Mann beschriftet ein Whiteboard in einem Meeting


Your career website design

Why do we offer web design as HR/IT consulting?

The development of add-ons for SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting has become our passion in recent years. To address the pain points of our customers and the restrictions of the SAP SuccessFactors standard, we have focused on the development of add-ons for the SAP SF Career Site Builder (CSB). Our aim is to create the best possible candidate experience and journey for applicants and to drive the implementation of state-of-the-art career websites and job portals for well-known customers. The next logical step for us is to offer our customers a complete package from a single source.

Would you like to know how a website project with us works?

We offer you a comprehensive career website package. This means that we develop a holistic concept and design for your entire career world with a focus on UX/UI design. We then implement this within your SAP SF Career Site Builder. You decide in which step you would like to work with us.

Complete package
Everything from a single source

Experts in SAP SF REC
& web design

Candidate Experience
is our focus

Trendence Award Winner 2024

Trendence Award for the best Candidate Experience

Our client, the enviaM Group, won first place in the Best Candidate Experience category at the Trendence Awards powered by EMBRACE – a recognition of the outstanding candidate experience delivered through the career site we implemented.

The award highlights the exceptional experience offered by enviaM’s career site. With a modern, user-friendly design - powered by p78 Career Site Components, p78 Smart Search, and p78 Candidate UI - and a well-thought-out, mobile-optimized application process, enviaM is setting new standards and creating an inspiring experience for candidates.

Explore the career site

Our project approach

Vier Personen sitzen an einem Tisch und hören einem Mann, der neben einem Flipboard steht zu.

Step 01


Kick Off Workshop
Project organization
System setup

Analysis of the corporate architecture, corporate design guidelines, employer branding strategy as well as the employee and candidate journey, definition of goals and recording of your individual requirements, etc.

Laptop und Smartphonebildschirm mit einer Beispielkarriereseite.

Step 02

Concept / Design

Design of the career pages mockups / layouts
Review Iteration 1
Review Iteration 2
Final approval of the layouts 
Handover of the designs to the development team + briefing

In the field of web design, mockups are used to give the client a clearer idea of what the website will look like in the end. Usually, the client is presented with two versions of the website - one for desktop and one for mobile devices. Once the first draft is complete, feedback sessions are held with the client to discuss the iterations of the design and make any necessary changes. These feedback sessions are typically referred to as review iterations and can be conducted in several stages as required.

Mann sitzt am Schreibtisch mit Desktop und Laptop und hält eine Kamera in der Hand.


Content Creation

Image and text creation for relevant content within the website (photo shoots and editorial work)

  • Writing the texts for all relevant content on your career website based on your existing employer branding tone of voice (if available)
  • Development of a new or use of your existing visual language
  • Mood boards of existing and new imagery
  • Development of the relevant iconography
  • Photo shoots for required image material
Schwarzer Bildschirm mit buntem Code

Step 03


Setup of the relevant p78 Apps & AddOns: Career Site Components, Smart Search and Candidate UI
Development of customized layouts 
Optional: Customization of your SAP SuccessFactors RCM/ RMK system according to the requirements of the new career site

  • Setup of all relevant systems:
    • Development of the website components / layouts in the test environment and transfer to the production environment
    • Setting up the p78 apps and add-ons within your SAP SuccessFactors REC Career Site Builder
  • Backend and frontend development in SAP SuccessFactors Career Site Builder for all career site layouts (per brand and country)
Schreibtisch mit Laptop und Tablet.

Step 04


Provision of test cases
Desktop, Tablet and Mobile Test
User acceptance test
Penetration test (optional)

Detailed testing of website development:  

  • Functional testing - Feature testing
  • Design and content testing
  • Performance testing
  • SEO testing
Frau sitzt vor einem Laptop am Schreibtisch.

Step 05


Deployment - Move to Production
Handover / Training
Production Testing

As soon as all errors have been rectified and the go-live date has been set, all necessary steps are taken to ensure a smooth go-live. This includes preparing the data and deploying it from the test environment to the production environment. Detailed testing is then carried out in the production system and the project enters a hypercare phase of two weeks.

Your Contact Person


Johannes Schnatz

Principal Consultant

Office +61 8 631 647 39
Mobile +61 457 003 425

Johannes Schnatz

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