Easy document management & auditing via AddOn
p78 SAP Concur Document & Review
SAP Concur unifies the travel expense process from booking business trips to travel expense reporting by providing an integrated and automated expense management system. The goal is to provide simple, transparent, legally compliant and, above all, sustainable travel management.
Our exclusive add-on for SAP Concur "Document & Review" simplifies document management by enabling you to easily digitally evaluate and view your (foreign) documents. Filtering and compiling specific receipts from the entire travel expense report will be easier than ever before. You save time and resources in your travel expense management.
In additionally, it supports the analysis and execution of your input tax refund as well as the proper execution of compliance audits by providing comprehensive answers to the following questions:
- In which countries is it it worth submitting an input tax refund for your foreign receipts?
- How can you optimally prepare for annual financial statements and compliance audits and process them efficiently in the future?
- Can you provide certain amounts and receipts instantly?
Input tax refund
Simply filter and compile specific receipts from the entire travel expense reports according to customizable criteria, including
- Country
- Period
- Type of expenditure.
This provides you with the opportunity to directly assess the profitability of an input tax refund application.
Compliance Audits
Within annual audits as well as compliance audits, the additional solution "p78 Concur Document & Review" mainly supports the document reviews:
- All auditor inquiries can be answered and verified immediately.
- With just a few clicks, all expenses recorded in SAP Concur can be filtered. All required receipts and documents can be overhanded to the auditor instantly.
- In addition, auditors can get direct access to the system and its documents (through individual role assignments in the SAP system).
Cost saving potentials
- Costs and expenses for external partners taking over input tax refunds are no longer necessary
- Simplified preparation of documents for the application to the relevant state finance authority for input tax refund
- No manual compilation of billings and receipts.
- Smooth compliance audits
- Secure and privacy compliant document management according to compliance and country guidelines.
- Consultation and implementation tailored to the customer's needs.